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Building & Zoning
Building Department | Conneaut Planning and Zoning Department
294 Main Street
Conneaut, Ohio 44030
Phone: 440-593-7406
Hours: Tuesday & Friday – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday – 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Conneaut Planning/Zoning Manager is Deanna Gates
Information provided by City of Conneaut:
The City of Conneaut operates under the International Property Maintenance Code. This code is intended to establish minimum acceptable standards for the maintenance of existing buildings, structures, premises, and facilities to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the occupant or general public. Such requirements shall relate to the adequate supply of light, ventilation, space, heating, sanitation facilities, life safety features, and protection from the elements, fire and other hazards. If a structure within the City of Conneaut is not compliant with this code a citation may be issued. Details of the charges and violations will be defined on the citation.
You can view the International Property Maintenance Code in its entirety at Conneaut City Hall.
Basic Requirements of The International Property Maintenance Code
- The exterior of your property and every structure on the property including but not limited to: walls, roofs, chimneys, eaves, gutters, fascia, window and door trim, porches, awnings, windows and doors, stairs, walks, and driveways must be maintained in good repair and be coated with paint where appropriate.
- All lands shall be properly maintained with lawns, trees, bushes, hedges, shrubs and other vegetation being trimmed and kept neat in appearance. No such vegetation or growth shall block or impede sight lines for vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- All property shall be maintained free from any plant growth such as weeds or grass in excess of six (6”) inches.
- All fences and accessory structures, including but not limited to, sheds, garages and storage buildings shall be maintained in good repair.
- Each building that has a street number assigned shall have the number prominently displayed in color and in a place so as to be easily observed and legible from the street.
Do I need a Zoning Permit in Conneaut?
This permit is issued for the construction, conversion, enlargement, alteration, or reconstruction of buildings, structures, and general site improvements.
For example, a zoning permit is required for:
Fence installation
Sheds and garages
Decks and porches
Change in use of a building
Swimming pools (above and below ground)
Permanent signs
Car ports
Wheelchair ramps
These are just an example of some of the projects that require a zoning permit. If you are not sure, contact the Planning and Zoning Department before starting construction.
Monroe Township – located just outside of the Conneaut city limits, does not have any zoning requirements.
Ask Conneaut ‘s Construction Professional
We had the chance to sit down with Emanuel Schwartz, owner of Ex-Amish Construction to ask him about the permit process and the importance of hiring a qualified local contractor.
Q. Why it is so important to obtain a building or zoning permit?
A. First and foremost it is the law. Secondly, it protects YOU the homeowner. Inspections ensure that construction is completed correctly and to code. Any legitimate contractor will be familiar with the zoning and permitting process. We work with homeowners, inspectors and the City of Conneaut on a regular basis, it is just part of the construction process.
Q. How can I find a legitimate contractor in Conneaut, Ohio?
A. That is a great question. A legitimate contractor will be able to provide you with the following: A written proposal and/or contract, proof of general liability insurance, proof of workers compensation coverage and licensing/certification information. For example, if you are looking for a roofing contractor in Conneaut, Ohio… ask if they are a preferred contractor with any of the shingle suppliers. Ask for a copy of their insurances and ask for local references. A legitimate roofing company will gladly provide you with these items, we provide customers with this information every day.